I am no longer living in Jerusalem, but still making maze op art. Psychedelic optical illusion mazes and op art that you can check out and enjoy.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Kitten gets steak, YUM!
Zig Zag The Kitten gets Steak From Yonatan Frimer
Friday, September 24, 2010
Maze cartoon of a Venn Diagram of MLK and Glenn Beck by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon by Yonatan Frimer of Martin Luther King Jr. and Glenn Beck as a Venn Diagram in front of the Lincoln Memorial with the words, "free at last, free at last, free at last" in the overlap.
Click here for a printable, hi-res file of Glenn Beck MLK Venn Maze
Click here for the solution to MLK Beck Venn Diagram Maze.
Click here for many more Maze Cartoons by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for maze cartoon blog
Article on the topic of this maze cartoon:
Martin Luther King's spirit is claimed by Fox TV's Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin
Tea Party activists among thousands attending rightwing host's 'Restoring Honour' rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial
They came in tens of thousands to hear their leader speak in the heart of Washington, thronging the mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial, hanging on words dedicated to freedom and struggle.
That was the scene 47 years ago when Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream" speech that came to define the triumphs of the civil rights era and the fight to overcome racial prejudice.
It was also the scene yesterday as rightwing Fox News host Glenn Beck spoke at his "Restoring Honour" rally, stirring up a huge crowd of supporters, most of whom adhered to the beliefs of the conservative Tea Party movement.
It was clearly more than just a half a century that separated the two events and two men; there was also a massive political chasm. Beck, a controversial figure who has said Barack Obama is a racist who hates white culture, has claimed his rally is non-political and that the timing of it with King's anniversary was an accident. But few take him at his word.
Beck's television show, radio programme and speaking tours are constantly devoted to the idea that Obama and senior Democrats are closet socialists, or even communists, dedicated to forcibly transforming America into a leftwing society.
Click here to read the full story on The Guardian
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What the Media doesn't Show You - Reposted by Yonatan Frimer
What the Media doesn't Show You
Can you guess the location of these photographs?If, in spite of the economic crisis and media coverage, you have managed to travel lately - maybe you can guess where these photographs were taken.
Scroll down for the answer!
This is what the media does not show you from Gaza.
And yet Gilad Shalit is not release from there and the world give sympathy to the palestinians because the media shows images of blown up buildings and staged shots of children near ruins.
Maze portrait courtesy of Yonatan Frimer
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for political Maze Cartoons, click here
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
Cartoon maze of white glove for full cavity search at airports, by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon by Yonatan Frimer about the invasion of privacy caused by the security measures at airports and the full body scanners.
Click here for a printable, hi-res file of white glove maze.
Click here for the solution to white rubber glove maze.
maze blog
Article on the topic of this maze cartoon:
Airport security: X-ray scanner or full-body pat-down?
If you object to getting screened at the airport by the new full-body scanners that peer through clothes, you can choose to subject yourself to a full-body pat-down search.
But be warned that the
TSA officials confirmed that a new procedure is in use. But they declined to describe the procedure or say where it is being used.
"We are in the process of evaluating and updating our procedures at airports across the country," said Nicholas Kimball, a TSA spokesman.
According to the American Civil Liberties Union and news reports from Boston and Las Vegas, the new procedure may involve some heavy patting and probing.
"To call it a pat-down is a euphemism," said Christopher Ott, a spokesman for the ACLU in Massachusetts. Ott said he has heard from several passengers flying through Boston's Logan International Airport.
Under the older procedure, TSA officials pat passengers to identify hidden objects, using the backs of their hands to search sensitive areas of the body. Under the new procedure, Ott said, TSA screeners feel and prod passengers with their
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Maze cartoon about Obama's take on Ground Zero Mosque VS. East Jerusalem, by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon by Yonatan Frimer about Obama's stance that the Ground Zero mosque should be built since no one should be restricted from building based on their religious beliefs, except he says the opposite when building in Jerusalem, which is a conflict in policy.
Click here for a printable, hi-res file of Obama's Ground Zero Maze
Click here for the solution to the jerusalem and ground zero maze
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Maze Blog by the boat load
Designed to A Maze - Blog of Maze Cartoons and other fun mazes
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Maze cartoon of the September 11th attacks on the WTC and the Ground Zero Mosque debate. By Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon about the ground zero mosque - Sept 11th scene.
Maze cartoon about the ground zero mosque that is being built. The scene is September 11th 2001 and the second plane is about to hit the tower of the World Trade Center. One of the hi jackers says, "Hey Mohammad, that looks like a some good land to build a mosqueon....When this whole thing blows over in like 10 years.Click here for a printable, hi-res file of the Sept 11th Ground Zero Maze
Click here for the ground zero mosque maze solution
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