Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Top maze cartoons for May 2010, by Yonatan Frimer

Erdogan & comparison of Flotilla to September 11th.
Maze cartoon of erdogan on flotilla and armenian genocide

Maze cartoon of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan comparing the Flotilla raid to September 11th. Someone from the crowd asks how it would "stack up against the Armenian Genocide." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the maze solution.

Cartoon Maze of the Gaza Flotilla and what it left in its wake.
Maze cartoon of gaza flotilla by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon of the Gaza Flotilla. The boat leaves in its wake violence, diplomatic crisis, sympathy for terrorist, lies, and of course an Israeli PR overhaul. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the maze solution.

Cartoon Maze Lie Detector Electricity, by Yonatan Frimer

Maze cartoon of lie detector and erdogan, sarkozy, netanyahu and medvedev

Cartoon maze of Sarah Ferguson thinking about taking money out from a bear trap which is labeled "News Of The World" and says, "I am going to try and grab it, Hopefully it's not a trap." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Cartoon Maze of Sarah Ferguson taking bribes.
Cartoon maze of Sarah Furguson taking a bribe from a trap.
Cartoon maze of Sarah Ferguson thinking about taking money out from a bear trap which is labeled "News Of The World" and says, "I am going to try and grab it, Hopefully it's not a trap." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Editorial Maze Cartoon on Arizona Immigration laws.
Arizona immigration laws maze cartoonCartoon maze editorial bunch immigrants sneaking into America. Leader tells them "We are almost there folks, make sure you have plenty of water and get your fake birth certificate from Sanchez before the border." As they stand near a road with a sign that says, "Arizona 50 Miles." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Editorial Maze Cartoon on Turkey Giving Iran Nuclear Fuel Rods.
Turkey Fuel Rods to Iran Maze Cartoon
Cartoon maze editorial of a turkey reading the newspaper with the headline, "Turkey to supply Iran with fuel rods." The turkey has a sad face and says, "Lets hope I can make enough nuclear fuel rods by Thanksgiving." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Editorial Cartoon Maze on a Dow Jones Airline, by Yonatan Frimer
Dow Jones Airlines Maze Cartoon
Cartoon maze editorial of an airplane, labled Dow Jones that has sand bags on its wings and tail and the sand is leaking out an labeled, "Glitch, EU, Greece and Reform" the co-pilot exclaims, "Sir! We are losing altitude! We gotta keep above 10,000 to avoid a crash!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon Obama sleeping and ignoring the polls:
Obama President Polls Maze Cartoon Editorial cartoon maze of President Obama sleeping as a hot cup of coffee marked "Polls" is next to him and a caption that reads, "Wake up and smell the....." Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon Oil Growing on Trees - By Yonatan Frimer

Oil growing on trees getting harmed by BP oil disaster, by Yonatan Frimer maze cartoon, political maze

Editorial cartoon maze of a tree that grows oil, and a hard hat worker tells a suit that "This kind of tree won't survive if that oil slick damages the environment" Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of a ticking bum in Times Square - By Yonatan Frimer

Ticking bum in times square - maze cartoon

Editorial cartoon maze of a cop calling off an alarm because it's just a "Ticking bum" not a ticking bomb. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of all of Obama's eggs in the wrong basket.

All the eggs in the wrong basket
Editorial Cartoon maze on the Obama Administration's modus operandi of putting all their eggs in the "Campaign Promises" basket and none in the "Strategic Decision" basket. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of your job on drugs, I mean financial reform.
This is your brain on financial reform
Editorial Cartoon maze poking fun at the 1987 commercial "This is your brain on drugs" by making the egg "jobs" and the frying pan is financial reform. Any questions? Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.
Maze Cartoon of Steve Jobs Getting Flashed, by Yonatan Frimer

steve jobs fear of flash maze cartoon

Editorial Cartoon maze of Steve Jobs getting flashed and he thinks to himself, "Avoid anything that is relatable to this incident, even just by name" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Cartoon maze of how the Tea Party started. By Yonatan Frimer

how the tea party started maze

Cartoon maze editorial of a bunch of sheep in a field. One sheep stands up and exclaims, "I will no longer be a follower!" The rest of the flock yells, "Me too!" and the group in the front explaim "If this catches on, we got to get that fox on board."
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Good year to be a Cameron, cartoon maze:
James and David Cameron
Cartoon maze editorial both David Cameron, the new prime minister of England and of James Cameron, who produced and directed Avatar, a movie that has broken many records for generating the most revenue. 2010 sure is a good year if your last name is Cameron.
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Maze Cartoon - Effects of Human Error on Stock Market

human error in stock market maze cartoon
Maze cartoon editorial showcasing how stocks are effected by human error, buy having a bull represent stocks and a cowboy wrangling him to represent human error.
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

The all new electric hummer, h3

hummer hybrid electric

Editorial maze cartoon of the all new Electric Hummer. No longer will Humvees and Hummers be called gas guzzlers. Now they are better for the environment than a Toyota Prius.
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

gulf and Golf with Tiger Woods
Editorial maze cartoon of Tiger Woods in the Gulf, the crewman apologizes for the mix up, says "We need a GULF clean up"
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Cartoon maze of Lustiger and Fahd in Paris
Editorial maze cartoon of a conversation between King Fahd and Jean-Marie Lustiger on having a grand mosque built in Paris. Lustiger replies, "Sure, just as soon as I can build a grand cathedral in Mecca."
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

BP Maze disaster - Cartoon Maze
BP oil spill cartoon maze

Nail in coffin of offshore drilling - cartoon maze
nail coffin maze for gulf oil spill maze
Maze Cartoon editorial on how the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the nail in the coffin of off shore drilling. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Einstein's Theory of Warmaze cartoon new start treaty by Yonatan Frimer
Editorial Cartoon Maze on Einstein's Theory that World War 4 will be fought with sticks. In the foreground an HTV-2 rocket flies off, a weapon that is intended to replace the atomic bomb.
Click here for the maze in larger, printable format
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

New START Treaty - Cartoon Maze: maze cartoon new start treaty by Yonatan Frimer

Editorial Cartoon Maze on the New START Treaty, aimed at reducing the stockpiles of nuclear weapons to "only" 1,550 by 2017.

Maze Cartoon on the Economy of Greece.
economy of greece maze cartoon
Maze Cartoon for Editorial use on the Economy of Greece. A 747 marked "Economy of Greece" flys while chained to two bags of debt that are carried by the IMF and EU. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Bill Gates' Microsoft iPad - Cartoon Maze

ipad by bill gates microsoft
Editoral Cartoon Maze in Larger and Printable Format
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution
Editorial Cartoon Maze of Bill Gates telling his team of monkeys to make a microsoft version of the iPad.

Editorial Maze Cartoon - Road To Dictatorship
editorial maze road to dictatorship
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Editorial Cartoon Maze of Bashar Assad, President Ahmadinejad, and Hassan Nasrallah on the road to dictatorship. A donkey marked UN poops out resolution as the Iranian president remarks "Just don't step in any of it till we get there."

The Promise from Obama Maze

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Editorial Maze Cartoon "Obama's change"

Editorial Maze Cartoon - JFK vs Obama on NASA
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Editorial Cartoon Maze contrasting JFK to Obama on the issue of traveling to the moon and NASA.

Editorial Maze Cartoon - Eyjafjallajökull
Eyjafjallajökull volcano in ice land europe ash cloud
Editoral Cartoon Maze in Larger and Printable Format
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution
Editorial Cartoon Maze of Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland that erupted an ash cloud over European airspace causing havoc.

Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution
Editorial Cartoon Maze of a can of whoop ass for Iran with Israel and the USA debating opening it or not.

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